Refine Results
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Broaden your horizons: standards and accreditation...
This back-to-school season, why not invest in yourself? At SCC, we offer top-tier adult learning opportunities designed to boost your skills and career prospects. Whether you're looking to master conformity assessment or dive...
CSA Group publishes workshop agreement on future...
Document identifies and explores safety, performance, emergency management, siting, and human factors Reducing the environmental impact of all modes of transportation is critical to help Canada meet its decarbonization and...
Bridging the Standards Divide: Modernizing Standards...
This report analyzes and compiles CATRTA beneficiary countries’ needs in the areas of standards, conformity assessment and technical barriers to trade (TBT), identified during the CIDA funded workshop/roundtable held from May...
Northern, Small, and Remote Health Care Facilities...
Standards play an important role in supporting health care delivery. By outlining requirements and best practices for performance and process, standards can help patients, staff, and visitors avoid injury from medical devices...
Conformity assessment courses
Our courses on standards development help deepen knowledge to effectively use standards and participate in their shaping their future. These courses are designed to give SCC members, and any professional interested in standards, the tools to get involved...
Mobilizing the Recommendations in Thermally Comfortable...
This report summarizes the results of an engagement process to discuss ideas to mobilize the recommendations found in a recently published report by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), in collaboration with the National...
Amplifying our impact 2022–2023 Annual Report
Standardization enhances quality of life for people across Canada and around the world. It makes products and services safer and improves their functionality. But to have the greatest impact, the standardization system must...
The Mental Health and Substance Use Health Standardization...
The National Mental Health and Substance Use Health (MHSUH) Standardization Collaborative was established to coordinate standardization efforts nationwide. Over two years, we engaged with over 300 people from government...
Annual Report 2018-2019: Delivering Value Together
The Standards Council of Canada is pleased to publish our 2018–19 Annual Report.
Beyond Disclosure: Driving Performance & Trust...
Getting beyond greenwashing through standardization Environmental, Social and Governance performance (or ESG) is an increasingly important topic amongst organizations around the world, driven in large part by growing consumer...